Note: This is an archive of my application kit from when I was on the market during the 2018-2019 hiring cycle.

I am excited to be on the job market this year! I am searching for tenure-track junior faculty positions as well as opportunites at industrial research labs.

Application Materials

A zipfile of the complete kit is also available.

External Resources

Job Talk

N.b. I didn't post this publicly while I was on the market. Not for any particular reason, but the talk did slowly refine over the course of the interview season. I probably stopped making significant changes after interviewing at CMU, so roughly halfway through.

With some time on both sides of the interviewing process now, I don't think there is huge benefit to sinking significant time into tailoring to schools, but it is nice to make some small touches. As some concrete examples of things I did that went over well:

  • If you're going to talk about what you would like to teach, update the list of topics to include course numbers from the school you're at; it takes just a few minutes and the people who care about teaching will notice.
  • If there's some recent work related to (but not too related – schools generally don't want to hire what they already have, they're looking for complimentary skillsets) your proposed work, dropping quick mentions of how your proposed work would build on / use / etc others work grabs attention. Worth doing if you knew about it before interviewing there, probably not worth trying to hunt it down.

This is my talk as I gave it at UCSD:

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