My full CV is also available, though may not yet include newest publications.


  • W
    Reducing the Carbon Footprint of EdTech with Repurposed Devices
    Jennifer Switzer, Subash Katel, Jaemok (Christian) Lee, Ashwin Rohit Alagiri Rajan, Ryan Kastner, and Pat Pannuto
    The 15th International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC ’24)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • W
    Tabula Rasa: Starting Safe Stays Safe
    Tyler Potyondy, Samir Rashid, Leon Schuermann, Anthony Tarbinian, and Pat Pannuto
    The 3rd Workshop on Security and Privacy in Connected Embedded Systems (SPICES 2024)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference] Best Paper Award
  • C
    Experiences Teaching a Wireless for the Internet of Things Course Cooperatively at Multiple Universities
    Nabeel Nasir, Viswajith Govinda Rajan, Pat Pannuto, Branden Ghena, and Bradford Campbell
    Proceedings of the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V. 1 (SIGCSE 2024)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference] [doi]
  • J
    Soil-Powered Computing: The Engineer’s Guide to Practical Soil Microbial Fuel Cell Design
    Bill Yen, Laura Jaliff, Louis Gutierrez, Philothei Sahinidis, Sadie Berstein, John Madden, Stephen Taylor, Colleen Josephson, Pat Pannuto, Weitao Shuai, George Wells, Nivedita Arora, and Josiah Hester
    Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol. (IMWUT), 7(4)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [doi]


  • W
    EmbHD: A Library for Hyperdimensional Computing Research on MCU-Class Devices
    Alexander Redding, Xiaofan Yu, Shengfan Hu, Pat Pannuto, and Tajana Rosing
    Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Networked Sensing Systems for a Sustainable Society (NET4us ’23)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference] [doi]
  • C
    Junkyard Computing: Repurposing Discarded Smartphones to Minimize Carbon
    Jennifer Switzer, Gabriel Marcano, Ryan Kastner, and Pat Pannuto
    Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, Volume 2 (ASPLOS 2023)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference] [doi] Distinguished Paper Award
  • W
    TagAlong: Free, Wide-Area Data-Muling and Services
    Alex Bellon, Alex Yen, and Pat Pannuto
    Proceedings of the 24th Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile ’23)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • B
    Chapter 6: Measuring Grid Reliability in Ghana
    Noah Klugman, Joshua Adkins, Susanna Berkouwer, Kwame Abrokwah, Matthew Podolsky, Pat Pannuto, Catherine Wolfram, Jay Taneja, and Prabal Dutta
    Introduction to Development Engineering: A Framework with Applications from the Field
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [doi]


  • PD
    Demo Abstract: TagAlong: A Free, Wide-Area Data-Muling Service Built on the AirTag Protocol
    Alex Bellon, Alex Yen, and Pat Pannuto
    Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys’22)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • C
    EffiSenseSee: Towards Classifying Light Bulb Types and Energy Efficiency with Camera-Based Sensing
    Alex Yen, Zeal Shah, Benjamin Ochoa, Pat Pannuto, and Jay Taneja
    Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Embedded Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings (BuildSys’22)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • W
    Hardware to enable large-scale deployment and observation of soil microbial fuel cells
    John Madden, Gabriel Marcano, Stephen Taylor, Pat Pannuto, and Colleen Josephson
    Proceedings of the Tenth ACM International Workshop on Energy Harvesting and Energy-Neutral Sensing Systems (ENSsys’22)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • J
    The Future of Clean Computing May Be Dirty
    Colleen Josephson, Weitao Shuai, Gabriel Marcano, Pat Pannuto, Josiah Hester, and George Wells
    GetMobile: Mobile Comp. and Comm., 26(3)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference] [doi]
  • J
    Measuring Naturalistic Proximity as a Window into Caregiver–Child Interaction Patterns
    Virginia C. Salo, Pat Pannuto, William Hedgecock, Andreas Biri, David A. Russo, Hannah A. Piersiak, and Kathryn L. Humphreys
    Behav. Res. Methods, 54(4)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [doi]
  • C
    Early Characterization of Soil Microbial Fuel Cells
    Gabriel Marcano, Colleen Josephson, and Pat Pannuto
    IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) Special Session on Smart Agriculture (ISCAS’22)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • W
    Tiered Trust for Useful Embedded Systems Security
    Hudson Ayers, Prabal Dutta, Philip Levis, Amit Levy, Pat Pannuto, Johnathan Van Why, and Jean-Luc Watson
    Proceedings of the 15th European Workshop on Systems Security (EuroSec ’22)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference] [doi]
  • W
    Soil Power? Can Microbial Fuel Cells Power Non-Trivial Sensors?
    Gabriel Marcano and Pat Pannuto
    The 1st ACM International Workshop on No Power and Low Power Internet of Things (LP-IoT ’21)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]


  • PD
    Demo Abstract: Powering an E-Ink Display from Soil Bacteria
    Gabriel Marcano and Pat Pannuto
    Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Energy Harvesting & Energy-Neutral Sensing Systems (ENSsys’21)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • C
    Federated Infrastructure: Usage, Patterns, and Insights from “The People’s Network”
    Dhananjay Jagtap, Alex Yen, Huanlei Wu, Aaron Schulman, and Pat Pannuto
    ACM Internet Measurement Conference 2021 (IMC’21)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • W
    Century-Scale Smart Infrastructure
    Dhananjay Jagtap, Nishant Bhaskar, and Pat Pannuto
    The 18th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS ’21)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • W
    A UCSD View on Replication and Reproducibility for CPS & IoT
    Alex Yen, Bryce Flowers, Wenshan Luo, Nitish Nagesh, Peter Tueller, Ryan Kastner, and Pat Pannuto
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference] Best Presentation Runner-Up
  • C
    Repurposing Cathodic Protection Systems as Reliable, in-situ, Ambient Batteries for Sensor Networks
    Dhananjay Jagtap and Pat Pannuto
    Proceedings of the 20th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN’21)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]


  • J
    Farming Electrons: Galvanic Versus Microbial Energy in Soil Batteries
    Colleen Josephson, Neal Jackson, and Pat Pannuto
    IEEE Sensors Letters, 4(12)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • W
    Reliable Energy Sources as a Foundation for Reliable Intermittent Systems
    Dhananjay Jagtap and Pat Pannuto
    Proceedings of the Eighth ACM International Workshop on Energy Harvesting and Energy-Neutral Sensing Systems (ENSsys’20)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference] [doi] Best Presentation (Second Prize)
  • C
    SociTrack: Infrastructure-Free Interaction Tracking through Mobile Sensor Networks
    Andreas Biri, Neal Jackson, Lothar Thiele, Pat Pannuto, and Prabal Dutta
    Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom ’20)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference] [doi]


  • C
    Hardware, Apps, and Surveys at Scale: Insights from Measuring Grid Reliability in Accra, Ghana
    Noah Klugman, Joshua Adkins, Susanna Berkouwer, Kwame Abrokwah, Ivan Bobashev, Pat Pannuto, Matthew Podolsky, Aldo Susenot, Revati Thatte, Catherine Wolfram, Jay Taneja, and Prabal Dutta
    ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS’19)
    [paper] [slides (as pdf)] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • C
    IoT2 – the Internet of Tiny Things: Realizing mm-Scale Sensors through 3D Die Stacking
    Sechang Oh, Minchang Cho, Xiao Wu, Yejoong Kim, Li-Xuan Chuo, Wootaek Lim, Pat Pannuto, Suyoung Bang, Kaiyuan Yang, Hun-Seok Kim, Dennis Sylvester, and David Blaauw
    2019 Design, Automation Test in Europe Conference Exhibition (DATE’19)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference] Invited Paper
  • J
    You Can’t Teach a New Phone Old Tricks: Smartphones Resist Traditional Compute Roles
    Noah Klugman, Meghan Clark, Matthew Podolsky, Pat Pannuto, Jay Taneja, and Prabal Dutta
    GetMobile: Mobile Comp. and Comm., 23(1)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [doi] Invited Paper
  • C
    The Open INcentive Kit (OINK): Standardizing the Generation, Comparison, and Deployment of Incentive Systems
    Noah Klugman, Santiago Correa, Pat Pannuto, Matthew Podolsky, Jay Taneja, and Prabal Dutta
    The Tenth International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD’19)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]


  • W
    Indoor Ultra Wideband Ranging Samples from the DecaWave DW1000 Including Frequency and Polarization Diversity
    Pat Pannuto, Benjamin Kempke, Bradford Campbell, and Prabal Dutta
    Data Acquisition To Analysis (DATA’18)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • C
    A Modular and Adaptive Architecture for Building Applications with Connected Devices
    Pat Pannuto, Wenpeng Wang, Prabal Dutta, and Bradford Campbell
    The 1st IEEE International Conference on Industrial Internet (ICII’18)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference] Invited Paper
  • C
    Experience: Android Resists Liberation from Its Primary Use Case
    Noah Klugman, Veronica Jacome, Meghan Clark, Matthew Podolsky, Pat Pannuto, Neal Jackson, Aley Soud Nassor, Catherine Wolfram, Duncan Callaway, Jay Taneja, and Prabal Dutta
    The 24th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom’18)
    [paper] [slides (as pdf)] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • J
    Harmonium: Ultra Wideband Pulse Generation with Bandstitched Recovery for Fast, Accurate, and Robust Indoor Localization
    Pat Pannuto, Benjamin Kempke, Li-Xuan Chuo, David Blaauw, and Prabal Dutta
    ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN’18), 14(2)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference] [doi] Invited Paper
  • PD
    Demo Abstract: Applications on the Signpost Platform for City-Scale Sensing
    Joshua Adkins, Bradford Campbell, Branden Ghena, Neal Jackson, Pat Pannuto, Samuel Rohrer, and Prabal Dutta
    Proceedings of the 17th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN’18)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference] Best Demo Runner Up
  • C
    Slocalization: Sub-μW Ultra Wideband Backscatter Localization
    Pat Pannuto, Benjamin Kempke, and Prabal Dutta
    Proceedings of the 17th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN’18)
    [paper] [slides (as pdf)] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference] Best Paper Finalist
  • C
    The Signpost Platform for City-Scale Sensing
    Joshua Adkins, Bradford Campbell, Branden Ghena, Neal Jackson, Pat Pannuto, Samuel Rohrer, and Prabal Dutta
    Proceedings of the 17th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN’18)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]


  • W
    Energy Isolation Required for Multi-tenant Energy Harvesting Platforms
    Joshua Adkins, Bradford Campbell, Branden Ghena, Neal Jackson, Pat Pannuto, and Prabal Dutta
    Proceedings of the Fifth ACM International Workshop on Energy Harvesting and Energy-Neutral Sensing Systems (ENSsys’17)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference] [doi]
  • C
    Multiprogramming a 64kB Computer Safely and Efficiently
    Amit Levy, Bradford Campbell, Branden Ghena, Daniel B. Giffin, Pat Pannuto, Prabal Dutta, and Philip Levis
    Proceedings of the 26th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP’17)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference] [doi]
  • PD
    The Signpost Platform for City-Scale Sensing
    Joshua Adkins, Bradford Campbell, Branden Ghena, Neal Jackson, Pat Pannuto, and Prabal Dutta
    TerraSwarm 2017 Annual Review (TerraSwarm’17)
    [paper] [bibtex] [conference] David Wessel Best Demo Award
  • W
    The Case for Writing a Kernel in Rust
    Amit Levy, Bradford Campbell, Branden Ghena, Pat Pannuto, Prabal Dutta, and Philip Levis
    Proceedings of the 8th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems (APSys ’17)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference] [doi]


  • J
    MBus: A Fully Synthesizable Low-power Portable Interconnect Bus for Millimeter-scale Sensor Systems
    Inhee Lee, Ye-Sheng Kuo, Pat Pannuto, Gyouho Kim, ZhiYoong Foo, Ben Kempke, Seokhyeon Jeong, Yejoong Kim, Prabal Dutta, David Blaauw, and Yoonmyung Lee
    Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science, 16(6)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract]
  • C
    SurePoint: Exploiting Ultra Wideband Flooding and Diversity to Provide Robust, Scalable, High-Fidelity Indoor Localization
    Benjamin Kempke, Pat Pannuto, Bradford Campbell, and Prabal Dutta
    Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys’16)
    [paper] [slides (as pdf)] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • PD
    SurePoint: Exploiting Ultra Wideband Flooding and Diversity to Provide Robust, Scalable, High-Fidelity Indoor Localization
    Benjamin Kempke, Pat Pannuto, Bradford Campbell, and Prabal Dutta
    Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys’16)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • J
    MBus: A System Integration Bus for the Modular Micro-Scale Computing Class
    Pat Pannuto, Yoonmyung Lee, Ye-Sheng Kuo, ZhiYoong Foo, Benjamin Kempke, Gyouho Kim, Ronald G. Dreslinski, David Blaauw, and Prabal Dutta
    IEEE Micro: Special Issue on Top Picks from Computer Architecture Conferences, 36(3)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] Top Pick in Computer Architecture
  • PD
    Accessors and the RoboCafé: Interoperability in the Internet of Things
    Pat Pannuto
    Twelfth International Nanotechnology Conference on Communication and Cooperation (INC12)
    [paper] [bibtex] Outstanding Poster Award
  • C
    Harmonium: Asymmetric, Bandstitched UWB for Fast, Accurate, and Robust Indoor Localization
    Benjamin Kempke, Pat Pannuto, and Prabal Dutta
    Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN’16)
    [paper] [slides (as pdf)] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]


  • PD
    PolyPoint: High-Precision Indoor Localization with UWB
    Benjamin Kempke, Pat Pannuto, Bradford Campbell, Joshua Adkins, and Prabal Dutta
    Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys’15)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • PD
    Michigan’s IoT Toolkit
    Joshua Adkins, Bradford Campbell, Samuel DeBruin, Branden Ghena, Benjamin Kempke, Noah Klugman, Ye-Sheng Kuo, Deepkia Natarajan, Pat Pannuto, Thomas Zachariah, Alan Zhen, and Prabal Dutta
    Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys’15)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • W
    Ownership is Theft: Experiences Building an Embedded OS in Rust
    Amit Levy, Michael P Andersen, Bradford Campbell, David Culler, Prabal Dutta, Branden Ghena, Philip Levis, and Pat Pannuto
    Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems (PLOS 2015)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference] [doi]
  • W
    PolyPoint: Guiding Indoor Quadrotors with Ultra-Wideband Localization
    Benjamin Kempke, Pat Pannuto, and Prabal Dutta
    2015 ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Wireless (HotWireless ’15)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference] Potential for Test of Time 2025 Award
  • C
    MBus: An Ultra-Low Power Interconnect Bus for Next Generation Nanopower Systems
    Pat Pannuto, Yoonmyung Lee, Ye-Sheng Kuo, ZhiYoong Foo, Benjamin Kempke, Gyouho Kim, Ronald G. Dreslinski, David Blaauw, and Prabal Dutta
    Proceedings of the 42nd International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA ’15)
    [paper] [slides (as pdf)] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • W
    Lessons from Five Years of Making Michigan Micro Motes
    Pat Pannuto, Yoonmyung Lee, ZhiYoong Foo, Gyouho Kim, David Blaauw, and Prabal Dutta
    6th Workshop of Architectural Research Prototyping (WARP ’15)
    [paper] [slides (as pdf)] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • PD
    DecaWave: Exploring State of the Art Commercial Localization
    Bradford Campbell, Prabal Dutta, Benjamin Kempke, Ye-Sheng Kuo, and Pat Pannuto
    Microsoft Indoor Localization Competition
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference] Third Place in Infrastructure-Based Systems
  • W
    Interfacing the Internet of a Trillion Things
    Bradford Campbell, Pat Pannuto, and Prabal Dutta
    The Second International Workshop on the Swarm at the Edge of the Cloud (SEC ’15)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • PD
    Luxapose: Indoor Positioning with Mobile Phones and Visible Light
    Ye-Sheng Kuo, Pat Pannuto, Bradford Campbell, and Prabal Dutta
    Microsoft Indoor Localization Competition
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • J
    Harmonia: Wideband Spreading for Accurate Indoor RF Localization
    Benjamin Kempke, Pat Pannuto, and Prabal Dutta
    SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R), 18(3)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference] [doi] Invited Paper


  • C
    Opo: A Wearable Sensor for Capturing High-Fidelity Face-to-Face Interactions
    William Huang, Ye-Sheng Kuo, Pat Pannuto, and Prabal Dutta
    Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys ’14)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • PD
    Poster Abstract: A Networked Embedded System Platform for the Post-Mote Era
    Pat Pannuto, Michael P Andersen, Tom Bauer, Bradford Campbell, Amit Levy, David Culler, Philip Levis, and Prabal Dutta
    Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys ’14)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • C
    MBus: A 17.5 pJ/bit Portable Interconnect Bus for Millimeter-Scale Sensor Systems with 8 nW Standby Power
    Ye-Sheng Kuo, Pat Pannuto, Gyouho Kim, ZhiYoong Foo, Inhee Lee, Benjamin Kempke, Prabal Dutta, David Blaauw, and Yoonmyung Lee
    CICC ’14: IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • PD
    Demo — Luxapose: Indoor Positioning with Mobile Phones and Visible Light
    Ye-Sheng Kuo, Pat Pannuto, and Prabal Dutta
    The 20th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom ’14)
    [paper] [video ] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • PD
    Demo — Luxapose: Indoor Positioning with Mobile Phones and Visible Light
    Ye-Sheng Kuo, Pat Pannuto, and Prabal Dutta
    1st ACM Workshop on Visible Light Communication Systems (VLCS ’14)
    [paper] [slides (as pdf)] [video ] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • W
    Harmonia: Wideband Spreading for Accurate Indoor RF Localization
    Benjamin Kempke, Pat Pannuto, and Prabal Dutta
    2014 ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Wireless (HotWireless ’14)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • C
    Luxapose: Indoor Positioning with Mobile Phones and Visible Light
    Ye-Sheng Kuo, Pat Pannuto, Ko-Jen Hsiao, and Prabal Dutta
    The 20th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom ’14)
    [paper] [slides] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • W
    System Architecture Directions for a Software-Defined Lighting Infrastructure
    Ye-Sheng Kuo, Pat Pannuto, and Prabal Dutta
    1st ACM Workshop on Visible Light Communication Systems (VLCS ’14)
    [paper] [slides (as pdf)] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • C
    IoT Design Space Challenges: Circuits and Systems
    David Blaauw, Dennis Sylvester, Prabal Dutta, Yoonmyung Lee, Inhee Lee, Sechang Bang, Yejoong Kim, Gyouho Kim, Pat Pannuto, Ye-Sheng Kuo, Dongmin Yoon, Wanyeong Jung, ZhiYoong Foo, Yen-Po Chen, Jeong Seok-Hyeon, and Myungjoon Choi
    Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology (VLSI’14)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference] Invited Paper
  • C
    A Millimeter-Scale Wireless Imaging System with Continuous Motion Detection and Energy Harvesting
    Gyouho Kim, ZhiYoong Foo, Pat Pannuto, Ye-Sheng Kuo, Benjamin Kempke, Mohammad Hassan Ghaed, Suyoung Bang, Inhee Lee, Yejoong Kim, Seokhyeon Jeong, Prabal Dutta, Dennis Sylvester, and David Blaauw
    VLSI Circuits (VLSIC), 2014 Symposium on
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • W
    Grid Watch: Mapping Blackouts with Smart Phones
    Noah Klugman, Javier Rosa, Pat Pannuto, Matthew Podolsky, William Huang, and Prabal Dutta
    Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile ’14)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]


  • PD
    Demo: M3: A Mm-scale Wireless Energy Harvesting Sensor Platform
    Pat Pannuto, Yoonmyung Lee, ZhiYoong Foo, David Blaauw, and Prabal Dutta
    Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Energy Neutral Sensing Systems (ENSSys ’13)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • PD
    GATD: A Robust, Extensible, Versatile Swarm Dataplane
    Pat Pannuto, Bradford Campbell, and Prabal Dutta
    The First International Workshop on the Swarm at the Edge of the Cloud (SEC ’13)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • PD
    Demo: Floodcasting, a Data Dissemination Service Supporting Real-time Actuation and Control
    Ye-Sheng Kuo, Pat Pannuto, and Prabal Dutta
    Proceeding of the 11th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys ’13)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • J
    A Modular 1 mm3 Die-Stacked Sensing Platform with Low Power I2C Inter-die Communication and Multi-Modal Energy Harvesting
    Yoonmyung Lee, Suyoung Bang, Inhee Lee, Yejoong Kim, Gyouho Kim, Mohammad Hassan Ghaed, Pat Pannuto, Prabal Dutta, Dennis Sylvester, and David Blaauw
    IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]


  • C
    Reconfiguring the Software Radio to Improve Power, Price, and Portability
    Ye-Sheng Kuo, Pat Pannuto, Thomas Schmid, and Prabal Dutta
    Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys ’12)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]
  • PD
    Platforms and Protocols for Emerging Wireless Systems
    Pat Pannuto, Prabal Dutta, Bradford Campbell, Samuel DeBruin, Trey Grunnagle, William Huang, Ben Kempke, Ye-Sheng Kuo, Andrew Robinson, Aaron Schulman, Maya Spivak, and Lohit Yerva
    [paper] [bibtex] [conference]
  • PD
    Demo: Ultra-constrained sensor platform interfacing
    Pat Pannuto, Yoonmyung Lee, Ben Kempke, Dennis Sylvester, David Blaauw, and Prabal Dutta
    Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN ’12)
    [paper] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]


  • W
    Exploring Powerline Networking for the Smart Building
    Pat Pannuto and Prabal Dutta
    Extending the Internet to Low power and Lossy Networks (IP+SN ’11)
    [paper] [slides] [bibtex] [abstract] [conference]